Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Kondylatos jewels featured @

Pericles Kondylatos talks to Manos Gerakinis

1. When did you know you wanted to become a jewelry designer?
I didn’t, I just knew that I wanted to express my vision of the cosmos through art and create visual poetry. Art is an expression of the divine element that exists in the universe through several means and I would love to explore most of them. When I saw the interactivity of my art with people through jewellery I felt like “this is what I should been doing”. Because apart from all the other factors that I enjoy, fashion also has a movement in its nature and a progress like something that has no end. An eternal loop of creation. And this continuity, reminds me of the eternal trip of our universe that has no begging and no end. Fashion is something that can have a very big impact on society – and it does.
2. Where does the passion for jewelry arise from within you?
It arises from a place where I can expain it from a certain point and after, meaning that I can answer you that I have this urge to create, to adorn to decorate, create or reveal beauty, but then again all these are secondary. The starting point of why artists do what they do is beyond their comprehension, because art is like a form of spiritual service. Artists carry messages within their art, and most of the time they don’t know what these messages are. Artists are the deliverers of higher truths that are meant to be felt in contrast to philosophers that their teachings are meant to be thought of and their target is the intellect. Art is a about emotional education.
3. How important do you think jewelry are in an outfit and what advice would you give the women who wear none?
In my estimation they are amazingly important and a very big plus for an outfit because they give you an extra element of beauty which is added in your total look and they  also give you the chance to create a multi layered reading in your appearance, but I wouldn’t say that people are obliged or should wear jewellery. People must dress exactly how they feel.  The best outfit in my estimation is to have a good heart, be giving, be loving and the rest are secondary.

4. What is the ultimate sin?
The ultimate sin? Uh … that’s a tough question! I guess the sin we all do in our everyday lives, that we get carried away by our businesses and work, and affairs and problems, and we forget to experience this beautiful journey and take it for granted. Life is about enjoying the progress, there is no destination – there is only the experience. Humanity reminds me the mice that run in a weel. In this respect we are all ultimate sinners…

5. Why the obsession with ancient Egypt?
Obsession  Moi?  I honestly don’t know. I could give you a hundred reasons that have to do with our five senses and tell you that I like their culture, their civilization, their (great) style, but then again these wouldn’t be even close to what I feel that connects me with this place. I like oriental places, like the desert.  I really get a lot inspiration by that sense of old energy that has a decadence to it and at the same time there is glory.
6. Where would you take Lady Gaga out in Athens?
I would take her into a cave – I love dark places – and I would sit with her in a quiet space for hours just to get her away from all the madness that surrounds her. I know that people think that she must have a great life and I am not saying it’s not, but it must be so difficult to have to deal with all that craziness and hysteria all the time, almost impossible to bare if you don’t take yourself away from it and understand that it’s a job.
7. Do you believe in happy endings?

I believe in happy realizations. You know sometimes life gives us what we want, and some other times it doesn’t.  If we have the spiritual trait of acceptance and humbleness, then it doesn’t matter if we took what we wanted in the end or not. Because we will be able to feel satisfaction with whatever life brings us which is freedom – and that comes from within us, and not the outside reality.  

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